How to grow your site with SEO?

Silicon & Company
2 min readJul 6, 2021

As a digital marketing agency, silicon & company knows various ways to rank higher in search engine result pages. There are many important parts of running a successful business with a digital marketing agency.

Search Engine Optimization plays a significant role in the digital world. It helps you to grow your website organically. The process of making the website more search engine friendly thus getting a higher position in ‘organic’ or natural or unpaid organic search results are more, Credible and cost-effective ways of reaching out to prospects. It enables discovery. SEO is powerful as it captures user interest. SEO is a long-term strategy that should be to shift marketing dollars from paid search to organic search.

These are the 3 steps that will boost your SEO Rankings!!

  1. Focus on content

‘Content is the king’. In Content, we should follow the SEO parameters by adding the right keyword in the content that will help you to get higher reach in SERP. In off-page optimization for generating back-links, we should write the best content for getting higher reach. In this case silicon and company helps you a lot for getting ideal content for your website. Focusing on content should be unique, fresh, original, and should add value to the target audience. Offering quality content not only attracts visitors but also helps to attract other websites to link your site. Thus, good content enhances your website authority.

2. Optimize your title tag and meta description

The title tag is an HTML tag that is the heading section of the web page. This tag shows what your website is about. The title tag is the most important part of SEO strategy, missing or duplicate written title tags gives a negative impact on SEO. Meta description also plays a major role in the web page it gives search engines a summary of the page. It can be written in a sentence or two or even in paragraphs if needed. Meta Description should be within a 150 character limit to fit in a snippet of your web page on the search engine result page.

3. Use Google Search Console

Google Search Engine Console helps in various ways to improve your website performance in SERP ( Search Engine Result Page). It optimizes your content with search analytics. Using this feature shows how your content is going on Google. Search Console helps to measure your site’s Search traffic and performances, fix site issues and make your site more visible in search results. Growing with SEO isn’t difficult. Our silicon and company are here to help you, and we’ll ensure your business grows dramatically.

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Credit: Neelam Shaw, Silicon & Company

